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This is Now : Monkees Movie Updates

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From: llaurie@ucsub.Colorado.EDU (LAURIE)
Date: 1 Sep 1994 23:00:44 GMT

Here in Boulder, a local talk radio guy was talking (imagine that!) about
a piece of info he had recieved on the A.P. wire. According to it, the
Monkees Movie was a go at Paramount! I’ll believe it when I see it,
considering how many times I’ve heard this story since ’86. Besides, I’m
pretty leary of TV-show movies. With the exception of THE FUGITIVE they’ve
all been pretty horrible.

From: (Kenneth K. Wang)
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 1994 15:20:30 GMT

In article <347bi8$> (CMontague) writes:
>I`m worried about the quality of a new Monkees movie myself. I suggest we
>storm the gates at Paramount and insist that *we* write it. I can`t
>imagine where they would find a more dedicated team than the
> crew.
That’s an interesting proposal. I do hear that all four guys are contributing
to the story which Rhino is very gung ho about. And since all four guys will
be in the movie (it would be sacrilege with any fewer 🙂 ), I don’t think
the guys would agree to do a cheesy “reunion” type Monkees movie together.
Actually, maybe Davy would do one IMHO, but I KNOW Mike would never agree to
do something unless it were of the upmost quality. It would be awesome if
Micky, Mike, and perhaps even Jack Nicholson, Bob Rafelson, and Bert Schneider
were involved in it. I think the most important element would be to avoid
nostalgia though a small amount would be okay of course. One thing I’ve al-
ways envisioned in a sequel to “Head” would be it starting out with the guys
reemerging from the ocean, though I think that would be enough nostalgia in
itself. Oh, another thing i think should be avoided is introducing any new
main characters into the Monkees story, such as wives or children! Having
some guest stars in cameos could be fun though.

Ken Wang

From: (Brad Waddell)
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 1994 05:08:56 GMT

EvaJF ( wrote:

: What kind of plot would you suggest?

I suggest a parody of the whole “reunion concert, sequel” concept. Since
what made their comedy work in the 60’s was biting social satire, I think
the same think applied in Head could work now (perhaps a little less

OK a *LOT* less surreal.

But the whole reunion thing, touring, like Spinal Tap, 10 year later.
Families on tour, fans (young and old), etc. etc.

What do you think?


Brad Waddell – FLEXquarters | “I used to work in the factory where
Software Developer | they make hydrants. You couldn’t park
Commodity Trader | anywhere NEAR the place.” – Wright

From: Randolph Burbach
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 94 17:15:14 -0500

Brad Waddell writes:

>I suggest a parody of the whole “reunion concert, sequel” concept. Since
>what made their comedy work in the 60’s was biting social satire, I think
>the same think applied in Head could work now (perhaps a little less

>But the whole reunion thing, touring, like Spinal Tap, 10 year later.
>Families on tour, fans (young and old), etc. etc.

Yes, except they always kill off the drummer
(Eva: that would fit perfectly with the old Genie dead guy thing, eh? No
offense to the Genie folks, but this idea is much better than some of what they
werre throwing around.)

_definitely_ heavy on the social satire — that is what it was all about

From: (Brad Waddell)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 00:14:54 GMT

Randolph Burbach ( wrote:
: Brad Waddell writes:
: >I suggest a parody of the whole “reunion concert, sequel” concept. Since
: >But the whole reunion thing, touring, like Spinal Tap, 10 year later.
: >Families on tour, fans (young and old), etc. etc.
: Yes, except they always kill off the drummer

Well, this would help the Davy situation, wouldn’t it? They could blow
him up, then replace him with…

Peter Noone!

Blow him up and replace him with…

Bobby Sherman!

Cliff Richard!

Paul McCartney!

Blow him up etc. etc.

And the funny thing would be – nobody notices! The look so old, nobody
knows which one is which!

: _definitely_ heavy on the social satire — that is what it was all about

really! The whole 90’s tour scene, hot tubs, massage therapists,
aromatherapy, meditation, the whole natural foods issue, no drugs, etc.

It could be hilarious!


Brad Waddell – FLEXquarters | “I used to work in the factory where
Software Developer | they make hydrants. You couldn’t park
Commodity Trader | anywhere NEAR the place.” – Wright

From: (Ron)
Date: 5 Sep 1994 02:47:10 GMT

EvaJF ( wrote:
: In article , (Brad
: Waddell) writes:

Personally, I would like the movie to be a reunion of not the 4 actors
who played The Monkees (read all of this before you start your flames),
but the 4 characters they established on the show. Micky the crazy, Peter
the dumb, Davy the love sick, Mike the level headed one(kinda).

The four musicians that never made it big, finally went there separte
ways and for some reason are getting back together agin. Maybe one of
those crazy spies they encountered. Some bits could still be done
spoofing/satrizing the industry and world today. I see a scene where they
are talking about what they have done since they broke up, each bragging
about what they have accomplished and then scenes showing the…

Mike: “Well I got real involved in the Video Industry, you know Rock
videos and such”

Switch to a scene showing Mike working in a Video rental store.

Micky: “I pretty much gave up music and turned my talents toward directing”

Scene showing him as a school crossing guard directing traffic

Davy: “Well, I’ve toured a lot and worked with horses a bit. Always
wanted to be a jockey”

Scene showing Davy at a Traveling Carnavel working the pony ride

Peter: “Gee guys that sounds great. All I’ve been doing is giving a few
guitar lessons”

Scene with Peter and Eric Clapton (insert any Rock Guitar legand here)
and Peter saying “No, No try it like this Eric. You’ll get a better sound”

Anyway, if they take themselves too seriously, like they did in Head, the
movie will bomb big time. This movie has to be like by the general
public, not just us Monkees fans. And the general public is going to want
the TV series.

From: (Brad Waddell)
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 1994 19:26:47 GMT

Ron ( wrote:
: Switch to a scene showing Mike working in a Video rental store.

Thats funny! Good idea. I like it, but them getting back together for no
good reason (not a reunion tour) means they would be struggling again, as
50 year old men. Does that sound realistic?

Maybe one of the tapes they kept carting around gets un-earthed
for a CD compilation of un-signed 60’s bands, and becomes a
surprise hit.

I still see the reunion tour gags, the slimy promoters, merchandising.
Ohh! MTV execs!!! Skewer them all!!!


Brad Waddell – FLEXquarters | “I used to work in the factory where
Software Developer | they make hydrants. You couldn’t park
Commodity Trader | anywhere NEAR the place.” – Wright

From: (Ron)
Date: 5 Sep 1994 22:30:02 GMT

EvaJF ( wrote:
: Ron: GREAT STUFF!!! What we need is a general way to get them
: together….
: a chance meeting at the video store…jaywalking at Micky’s
: crosswalk….whatever. It HAS to be light though—nothing heavy or it
: won’t work.

: Love the guitar lesson thing…SURPRISE!!!! And what a great place for
: a cameo….

Oh of course you gotta have cameos in it.

Ok I just recalled part II of my movie idea (please excuse the spelling,
as I don’t have a spell checker and I’m kinda new at this)
Like I said, I wanna keep this in the same humor as the series, so we
borrow from the series..recall the prince that looked just like Davy? OK
Evil person (Duke, Earl, something) wants to take over the princes
country. He recalls that that one of the memebers of a group called The
Monkees looked just like the prince
“I don’t recall which..they all looked alike anyway”
He sends out notes, asking the boys to met somewhere. Then tells his men
to “grab the one that looks like the prince”. Boy meet (see previous
scene I wrote) Bag is thrown over Davy and carted off. The rest give
chase (insert music and famour humorous chase scene) The boys convince
the bad guys that they were sent to help them (They could convince anyone
of anything during the series)

Bad Guy: Are youse guys tough?

Mike: We’re so tough, we eat glass for breakfast

Bad Guy: Prove it (Hands glass to Mike)

Mike: Uh Right..Show him Mick (Hands glass to Micky)

Micky: I would, but it’s not breakfast (Bad guy growls..hands glass to
Peter) Show him Peter

Peter: why is it always me? (starts to bit on glass, scene switchs back
to Mike)

Mike: Look we don’t have to prove anything (Crunching heard in
background) We were sent to help you and…

Peter: (Off screen) Hey guys, this is not to bad, could use a little salt

Anyway enough of that, in the course of the movie would encounter the Mob
guy that looked just like Micky, The Russion that looked like Peter(The
one the Julie Newmar dumped Peter for) and the Princess that looks just
like Mike (you gotta remember that episode)

Mike: Hey look at that great looking princess!

Davy: But Mike, she has a beard

Mike: Yeah…but I kinda like it (stroking his own beard as he says it)

Peter: I wonder why she has a beard?

Princess: Because I’ve had it for over 20 years and I wasn’t about to
shave it for this little scene!

Well, that’s enough for now…anymore comments?

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